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W:O:A Metalhead
25 Jan. 2002
don´t have Shades of God, actually :eek: but as you didn´t know the Neonai I´m even with you now :D ;)
Trail of Tears? Heard the name...but no, don´t know them really. What kind of music is it?


W:O:A Metalhead
hahaha ok :) we are even now *laughs cos xpet does not have the shades of god album* :)

hmm Trail of Tears are well if i said Gothic Metal it wouldnt suprise you ...would it hehe ;)

but the male vocals in places are more like black metal style ...but i wouldnt call them a black metal band .....nah gothic/black from Norway ....i like them ....you will too umm i think :D


W:O:A Metalhead
25 Jan. 2002
:p :p :p
I´m a fucking bad vocalist!!! No matter if it comes to shouting, screaming, growling or ...ehm...singing, I´m pretty bad at all :( :D
So my advice is - stick to the others ;)