gnoff schrieb:I must try some at Wacken!
Winterslaap schrieb:Ja absoluut!!! you must!! and you can..cause i will bring enough!!
gnoff schrieb:good girl
Then I can practice saying:
Sorry, ik sprejk schein Nederlands, sprejkjö zweis off engels?
Winterslaap schrieb:hahahaha that must sound soo funny!!!!
gnoff schrieb:No, I speak it perfect!
Or maybe not
Winterslaap schrieb:aah well... i will not laugh at you...i will laugh WITH you...oka???
gnoff schrieb:Fair enough
As long as you try to say "sked"
Winterslaap schrieb:i tried that last saturdaynight!! i did not even understand HOW he said it!!! i thought..i can forget about that!!!!