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I am the friend Svartsinn is talking about, and i don't really remember if the guys offering the fish drink was german. They may have been from Spain? By that time i was so fuckin' drunk i could hardly stand up. But it was vodka and small fish from a hermetic can! Great stuff -- if you love puking!!
Lysitanno: Really? Cool...maybe you want to tell me about a few Icelandic Metal bands....cuz I actually never heard of any. Of course there are Metal People over there...I just didn't know they had any good bands.
That drink exists....some people drink Korn or Malteser with a small fish in it like anchovis or tastes really bad i think but some people drink that!
I understand that here are also some students. Does anybody know a drink called Crambambuli? It's an ancient student drink. At least German students should know it.
Originally posted by svartblomma That drink exists....some people drink Korn or Malteser with a small fish in it like anchovis or tastes really bad i think but some people drink that!
As I said... they might have been spanish, or portugese, or italian, or german or from the netherlands.... the point is: I was fuckin' drunk and there was alcohol in the fish drink - so lets go!!