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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Unfortunately, there were intruders/imposters active for lat year's edition.
And even though Hard Tickets will be sold (again), those imposters will react to that.

To prevent you for falling into their traps, please be careful to whom you buy from.
Some tips.
- E-mail. Those imposters usually use a free mail address e.g.,,
Most times, but not always, they use the same form of address, e.g. "nameXXsurname@mail" (where XX stands for 2 random numbes)
- Payment. Do not pay in unusual ways! Avoid unsecure payments like Western Union, checks or strangs money transfers to strange "banks"! (e.g. in France, you can open an account at a tobacco shop!!!) or PayPal without buyer's insurance! (that is only for people you really know!)
- Communication: mostly OUTSIDE of the forum, through e.g. WhatsApp or cell/mobile phone. So it's more difficult to report them.
- Usually AGGRESIVE means of communication! If so, break off!!

What can I do?
1. Do not pay immediately! Ask for a proof. Invoice (Metaltix) e.g. with address details!
2. PLEASE, REPORT those users, so we can have them banned!

And the MOST IMPORTANT, rely on you instincts. Wenn you think, something is not right, BREAK OFF, and bye!

Unfortunately, intruders/imposters also read forums. And they are getting more and more creative


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
You are still looking for a ticket for W:O:A 2020 or have a spare ticket? That's no problem, hundreds of tickets will change owners until the festival. You should, however, follow our rules and tips to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
And simply refrain from making a profit from our tickets at the expense of others.
We act aggressively and successfully against the black market!

A sale at an increased price is a violation of our terms and conditions ( Only the price of 229€ per Fast Ticket or 239€ per Hard Ticket (plus fees) set by us is a fair and acceptable price for the festival.

Both commercial sellers and visitors who want to finance their own stay at the festival with an expensive, private resale are a thorn in our side. They also prevent other fans from buying tickets at a regular price.

For the W:O:A 2020, therefore, dozens of cases have already been consistently pursued by our team of lawyers at Schütz Rechtsanwälte and our claims have also been enforced in court if necessary. If you, as a seller, want to avoid unattractive post and high costs - including the possible cancellation of your tickets or even an exclusion from ticket purchase - you should simply stick to the original prices when passing them on.

Violations are both fixed prices with an increased price proposal, but also auctions with a starting price of 1€ - a profit intention is easily assumed here, since our tickets are almost always auctioned in auctions at significantly overpriced prices.

Beware of invalid, fake and blocked tickets!
Tickets traded via ticket portals are often invalid or even faked. We also reserve the right to block tickets sold on the portals in case of violations of our general terms and conditions. As a buyer of such a ticket you will then be denied entry.

Unauthorized platforms include the following:
  • Viagogo
  • eBay
  • eBay Kleinanzeigen
  • Ticketbande
  • Ticketpool
  • several Facebook pages and Instagram accounts
You bought a ticket on such a platform? Send us an email to with all the information you have, such as buyer details, ticket number and proof of purchase, to rule out any problems.

This is how it works: Selling within the community!
No matter if you are looking for a ticket or want to sell one - we advise you to sell it within our community or in a private environment.

A good place to go is traditionally the flea market area in our official forum. In addition, there are some well moderated fan groups in social networks who also sort out usurious prices and fraudsters as best as they can.

When buying tickets, it is often worth taking a look at our official travel partners - some of them still have tickets in their contingent.

We are also examining the implementation of an official exchange market for Wacken tickets 2020.
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