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W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
Original geschrieben von Morgenurin
Entombed - Morning Star (Album)
Ich glaub ich sollte denThread nciht mehr aufsuchen ist ja schrecklich.....

Young Man Nihilist

Young man, atheist
There's someone there
You can't see in lights
Young man, Naturalist
Your eyes are heavy
From sleepless nights

Feed the conflict into your head

Young man, atlas
There are places
Without ground of reality
Young man nihilist
The prediction of insanity

Just feed the conflict into your head

Freedom is just a state of mind
Asleep with dead eyes open
Affraid to put the words onto paper
Affraid of the gates
About to crack open

Man, it's about time to let your spirit pass thru
Are you north or south bound?
It's all up to you
It's so up to you

Just feed the conflict into your head

Freedom is just a state of mind
Asleep with dead eyes open
Affraid to put the words onto paper
Affraid of the gates
About to crack open

Man, it's about time to let your spirit pass thru
Are you north or south bound?
It's all up to you
It's so up to you


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
Original geschrieben von Morgenurin
so ich mach mich nun mal an die Arbeit :D
Schweinerei das ist ja wie abgebrochener äh...
Da kann ich nur den anderen Klassiker zu Rate ziehn:
But Life Goes On

A rotten stench
Surrounds another ended life
Maggots infesting the rotten flesh
Is that the way you want to die?
Don't want to live in a decaying shell
But why should I go to heaven
And who's to say I'll enter hell

Dead - Deceased, but life goes on
I will be the one who won
My charred body will decay
But my soul will be floating anyway

Visually a corpse
But what's inside my head
Don't consider I once was deceased
So I guess I'll come back from the dead
Dying my death
In relentless aggrieve
Dead and put down in a wooden box
Just can't be my destiny

Dead - Deceased, but life goes on
I will be the one who won
Continue to seek and you will see
That life is your worst enemy