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nur zum Pöbeln hier
9 Okt. 2012
Warüm quälen Sie mich immer so mit ihren musikalischen Verirrungen? Was hab ich Ihnen denn getan?:o:(
Since the Earth Year 2009, some hazy and almost bizarre experiments have been taken place in the secret confinements of the CRYSTAL CAVE. The magician mastermind from beyond the outer galaxies has arrived and taken the human form of Jori von Meriläinen, the GENTRY LORD, who transforms the chaotic signals of the mystical inner space to an understandable audial form to be deciphered by earthlings. :o


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Since the Earth Year 2009, some hazy and almost bizarre experiments have been taken place in the secret confinements of the CRYSTAL CAVE. The magician mastermind from beyond the outer galaxies has arrived and taken the human form of Jori von Meriläinen, the GENTRY LORD, who transforms the chaotic signals of the mystical inner space to an understandable audial form to be deciphered by earthlings. :o
Aaaahhh, danke für die Erklärung....I unterstand! :o:D