Originally posted by mntlsuiside
cheers everyone-
this year will be my second wacken festival-i'm coming for the u.s. i wanted to get a general consensus on what reactions to excpect from my fellow metalheads. i mean, everyone was so nice to us last year and we had a helluva time drinking beer and such with my new german friends (nobody drinks beer like the germans.... :}. i am just worried the attitude in general towards americans is not a very positive one these days, and since we are coming to just bang heads like everyone else, i am hoping all will be ok. i mean seriously, i think the pres. is an asshole too, but what i am to do-i only live here and one voice lost in the murky sea of republican bullshit. fuck the war anyway, i just want to see Slayer man, isn't that what it's really about? unity through metal?
if anyone cares to reply, i'd love some feedback. just remember in those Immortal words, we're all BROTHERS OF METAL......
\m/ gina.