Wall of Death/Death Pits

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24 Aug. 2012
Hey, Me and a mate and coming over to Wacken from australia for Wacken and we're so bloody keen. Been reading up on what goes on and I came across a few sites saying Death Pits and Walls are banned and they don't happen at Wacken anymore?! can anyone verify this since there fucking awesome and half the reason I go to metal acts. Cheers


W:O:A Metalhead
8 Juni 2009


says regarding Moshpits
Moshing is generally not prohibited at the W:O:A. But during other crowd activities in the moshpit such as crowd surfing etc. the possibility of incidents is given. In order to protect yourself we provided a few tips of how you can make moshing a little bit safer:

• In case that you might be a little bit out of shape you better avoid the moshpit as it often becomes very exhausting.

• Wear comfortable clothes that protect you from scratches or similar injuries - long pants and sturdy shoes are advisable.

• The moshpit is not a good place for jewelry. Also piercings, especially facial piercings, could cause injuries.

• Don´t act selfish in the moshpit. Always keep in mind that other crowd members want to enjoy the music and don´t want to get hurt.

• In case that you are not interested in the moshpit and prefer to stay away from that, you better enjoy the show from the back or on the side of the crowd and not in front of the stage

There is also this:

I don't think there was another news article after this.

It happens alot in Wacken during the harder bands but not always as large as with Heaven Shall Burn.

Each year I take part in some circle pits and walls. I never had any problems with security even the one year where they made an announcement that is was banned (I think because of the love parade accident where ppl got killed):

You will definately not be disappointed. The aussies we camped with the last years on A were quite impressed with the pits.
CU in the pit during Arch Enemy 2013.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


26 Juli 2012
We went this year (from Australia) and will be returning next year. It does depend on the band, but we were in plenty of circle pits, and a wall of death. It seems that bands can't 'ask' for walls of death anymore but that doesn't mean they won't happen! The mosh pit experience is different to in Australia, larger pits with more room to move and no restricted entry for people in the pits (like soundwave!)