Wacken Beer

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Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
yeah haha, i have no way of keeping my beer cold

Me neither. But beer is cooling down over night very well. If you then wrap your stuff into a newspaper, some cartboard, a blanket or whatever you have in the morning, you can keep it cool enough for drinking all day long.
Or you take a wet cloth, t-shirt etc., wrap it around your bottle or can, put it in the shade and wait. The water is evaporating and cools the beer down quite quickly. Some degrees at least. ;)
OR...just buy some ice cubes...! Yes, they are available. :D

And who the heck cares for warm beer anyway - well, maybe the first and second one might be hard if it's really warm, but as soon as you're drunk... :p


26 Juli 2010
the village is a little bit far, and i dont have a cooler or whatever

Exactly how far is it to the village? Are there not any busses going between the town and the festival area? I mean, if it's too long to walk, you need to stop to drink beer on the way. By the time you arrive to the camping again, you thus might have to go back to town and buy more beer. A vicious circle.. or is it? :D


14 Juli 2008
Exactly how far is it to the village? Are there not any busses going between the town and the festival area? I mean, if it's too long to walk, you need to stop to drink beer on the way. By the time you arrive to the camping again, you thus might have to go back to town and buy more beer. A vicious circle.. or is it? :D

No no, it's not that far. But it depends on which campground you are..;) I think you walk between 5 minutes and 30 minutes for being in the village ^^

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
No no, it's not that far. But it depends on which campground you are..;) I think you walk between 5 minutes and 30 minutes for being in the village ^^

And don't forget there are several villages. For example, some campgrounds are situated much closer to Holstenniendorf than to Wacken. And Holstenniendorf has a small supermarket as well. But it's really small - I don't know how much beer they have. :D