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Yes, my email is [anadeos at gmail] if you want to communicate that way. Please send the address you'd like me to send it to and when you'd need it by (before you leave to Germany). Alternatively I can mail to a hotel in Hamburg/Itzenhoe/Wacken village for you to pick up in. Thank you!
Yes, my email is [anadeos at gmail] if you want to communicate that way. Please send the address you'd like me to send it to and when you'd need it by (before you leave to Germany). Alternatively I can mail to a hotel in Hamburg/Itzenhoe/Wacken village for you to pick up in. Thank you!
I offered it for €160, and I can send it to Hamburg today if we can coordinate payement and you send me your mailing address. I have pictures of my welcome packet, as well as a Wacken 2018 shirt I can show you. Let me know if that works, thank you