Wacken '06 predictions?

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Sam Przyborowski

W:O:A Metalhead
2 Apr. 2005
Obviously being as Cradle and HIM are listened to by the people who buy Kerrang this exposes them to a new audience. Only supporting bands nowadays? The Cathedral/Electric Wizard/Grand Magus tour says otherwise. Add to the fact that Cradle are thought of mostly of a joke and Cathedral beleive it or not are well respected. They've done that by not selling out which is something Cradle could have taken note of.

A stage show is all well and fine but if your music is rubbish to begin with having two people in styrofoam Gargoyle suits is hardly going to move me.

Besides, i thought they were more of a t-shirt brand that had a band as a side project...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Hellebore schrieb:
all the bands are doing it, even marduk- which is apparently your favourite band, they're no better than cradle, so hush :p

marduks music is good enough I don't watch the show I'm only in the moshpit or headbanging.
cradle on the other hand made me put my fingers in my ears because they played fucking bad.
there's no show that can compensate that...


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Sam Przyborowski schrieb:
Obviously being as Cradle and HIM are listened to by the people who buy Kerrang this exposes them to a new audience. Only supporting bands nowadays? The Cathedral/Electric Wizard/Grand Magus tour says otherwise. Add to the fact that Cradle are thought of mostly of a joke and Cathedral beleive it or not are well respected. They've done that by not selling out which is something Cradle could have taken note of.

A stage show is all well and fine but if your music is rubbish to begin with having two people in styrofoam Gargoyle suits is hardly going to move me.

Besides, i thought they were more of a t-shirt brand that had a band as a side project...

amen :cool:


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Jan. 2002
Apeldoorn- Netherlands
well, concerning the old material Cradle has made some damn nice music... But that was years ago, I don't know how it's like now. But still... cradle is one of my mustsee bands...because it's cradle...and I've never seen it before. And I know what kind of reactions I get....I want to see it myself!!! :D


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Iscariot schrieb:
well, concerning the old material Cradle has made some damn nice music... But that was years ago, I don't know how it's like now. But still... cradle is one of my mustsee bands...because it's cradle...and I've never seen it before. And I know what kind of reactions I get....I want to see it myself!!! :D

well bring some plugs for your ears, the live sounds is very bad :p
and the show isn't always a good one... most of the time dani is way to drunk.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Iscariot schrieb:
well, concerning the old material Cradle has made some damn nice music... But that was years ago, I don't know how it's like now. But still... cradle is one of my mustsee bands...because it's cradle...and I've never seen it before. And I know what kind of reactions I get....I want to see it myself!!! :D
I saw them on several GMM's. Didn't you see them over there???