Victims of Madness - Jubiläums Song - Nu seid ihr dran.

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W:O:A Metalmaster

Wie ihr ja mittlerweile wisst haben wir nen Song fürs Jubiläum gebastelt. <--Da zu hören.

Das ganze wird nu wohl auch gefilmt werden. Und was wäre geiler als ein mitsingendes Publikum.

Also hier meine "bitte" an euch.


Und da gehts los:

"The Burning Anniversary"

Faster than a lightning
Harder than an anvil
Louder than a hand grenade
And stronger than man’s will

We have gathered here to celebrate
20 years of burning souls

When there’s something that’s greater than doubt
And the feeling goes straight to the heart
Like a fire that’s raging, you can’t live without
What you see is made of belief
This Anniversary

80.000 maniacs
Raise their fists as one
The history of Madness
It has only just begun

We have gathered here to celebrate
20 years of burning souls

When there’s something that’s greater than doubt
And the feeling goes straight to the heart
Like a fire that’s raging, you can’t live without
What you see is made of belief
This Anniversary

When there’s something that’s greater than doubt
And the feeling goes straight to the heart
Like a fire that’s raging, you can’t live without
What you see is made of belief
This Anniversary


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Jan. 2007
Faster than a lightning
Harder than an anvil
Louder than a hand grenade
And stronger than man’s will

We have gathered here to celebrate
20 years of burning souls

When there’s something that’s greater than doubt
And the feeling goes straight to the heart
Like a fire that’s raging, you can’t live without
What you see is made of belief
This Anniversary

80.000 maniacs
Raise their fists as one
The history of Madness
It has only just begun

We have gathered here to celebrate
20 years of burning souls

When there’s something that’s greater than doubt
And the feeling goes straight to the heart
Like a fire that’s raging, you can’t live without
What you see is made of belief
This Anniversary

When there’s something that’s greater than doubt
And the feeling goes straight to the heart
Like a fire that’s raging, you can’t live without
What you see is made of belief
This Anniversary

Kanns schon! :o:D;)

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Faster than a lightning
Harder than an anvil
Louder than a hand grenade
And stronger than man’s will

We have gathered here to celebrate
20 years of burning souls

When there’s something that’s greater than doubt
And the feeling goes straight to the heart
Like a fire that’s raging, you can’t live without
What you see is made of belief
This Anniversary

80.000 maniacs
Raise their fists as one
The history of Madness
It has only just begun

We have gathered here to celebrate
20 years of burning souls

When there’s something that’s greater than doubt
And the feeling goes straight to the heart
Like a fire that’s raging, you can’t live without
What you see is made of belief
This Anniversary

When there’s something that’s greater than doubt
And the feeling goes straight to the heart
Like a fire that’s raging, you can’t live without
What you see is made of belief
This Anniversary

Kanns schon! :o:D;)

Lol :D
Das wird nächste Woche überprüft :o

*Kiste lernerleichterndes Bier in den Thread stell*


W:O:A Metalmaster
Faster than a lightning
Harder than an anvil
Louder than a hand grenade
And stronger than man’s will

We have gathered here to celebrate
20 years of burning souls

When there’s something that’s greater than doubt
And the feeling goes straight to the heart
Like a fire that’s raging, you can’t live without
What you see is made of belief
This Anniversary

80.000 maniacs
Raise their fists as one
The history of Madness
It has only just begun

We have gathered here to celebrate
20 years of burning souls

When there’s something that’s greater than doubt
And the feeling goes straight to the heart
Like a fire that’s raging, you can’t live without
What you see is made of belief
This Anniversary

When there’s something that’s greater than doubt
And the feeling goes straight to the heart
Like a fire that’s raging, you can’t live without
What you see is made of belief
This Anniversary

Kanns schon! :o:D;)



Hail & Grill

W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Aug. 2008
Metallien/Provinz Power
Endlich ma auf YT, ich hasse Quicktime... :mad:

Hmmmm, geiles Lied! Das käm soooo ultra geil wenn einer das Halford-mäßig singen würde. :eek:

Habte da auch irgendwo nen offiziellen Download? Dann könnt ich das mit auf meine Wackencompilation tun. :D


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Ich kanns nicht anhören, das läd sich bei mir zu tot?:confused:


W:O:A Metalgod
18 Sep. 2008
ich werd fleißig lernen, damit der text bis dahin sitzt, nich. :o:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Jan. 2007
...wenns irgendwo billig zwei zusammen gibt...??
weil die sind im Doppelpack oft billiger als einzeln :D

aber ich will maximal 60 zahlen :o

Dat ist mein Problem! Ich hab ghar kein Geld :D

Würde ich auch maximal wollen, aber wo nichts ist, da ist halt nichts :rolleyes:

Dabei sind soo viele gute Bands da. Alle beschweren sich weils Billing so beschissen ist und ich hab so viele Bands die ich sehen will, wie noch nie zuvor! :D