Train ticket price from Amsterdam?

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22 Dez. 2008
San Diego, CA
So ive been searching around for train tickets and all i mostly find are the euro passes, unlimited travel for 10 days type of stuff. I cant find just a one way ticket. Does anybody know how much average a ticket from Amsterdam to Wacken, Itzehoe or Hamburg would cost? what would be the easiest route to take? Or if you are on the route give me and a friend a ride :D we just pay you. I have a hard time translating the car sharing sites so i cant really tell if anybody is near Amsterdam.
Thanks for all the help so far getting me to Wacken.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
So ive been searching around for train tickets and all i mostly find are the euro passes, unlimited travel for 10 days type of stuff. I cant find just a one way ticket. Does anybody know how much average a ticket from Amsterdam to Wacken, Itzehoe or Hamburg would cost? what would be the easiest route to take? Or if you are on the route give me and a friend a ride :D we just pay you. I have a hard time translating the car sharing sites so i cant really tell if anybody is near Amsterdam.
Thanks for all the help so far getting me to Wacken.

Amsterdam does not "know" Itzehoe (last time I checked) so you ask a ticket to HEIDE(Holst)! (which allows you to go to Itzehoe.

For more info:


22 Dez. 2008
San Diego, CA
awsome guys thanks, i just needed a bit of that word looks fucked up? i didnt want to go thinking i was guna spend 200 euro for 1 ticket... that about settles all my travling questions. i cant wait to hopfully meet and drink with some or you. if i think of anything else you know who the first ill ask is :D .... Thanks again for all the help guys. SEE YOU AT WACKEN!