Tips for a newbie

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W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Whoa, Gnoff!!! That really helped... I’ll look more into it today... if I still have further questions, I’ll post here! Thank you very much!

No worries, always glad to help :)

Even more so after people try and find the answers first and then get back :D

Hope you'll both enjoy it, I did between 02 and 06 very much.


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Aug. 2007
No worries, always glad to help :)

Even more so after people try and find the answers first and then get back :D

Hope you'll both enjoy it, I did between 02 and 06 very much.

I'm planning on going every year now My yearly income will be almost for paying my trips to Wacken!!! Let’s see what I find from 2008!!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
how are you supposed to keep your beer cold if it's in your tent :eek:

Dig a hole, put it in there. Or take a bucket, fill it with water (available @ the toilet (=Dixi's) and your beer stays cold. (or drink it early)

If you plan on going by car (rental) you leave it in your trunk (close it so no sunshine can get in) and it stays cold as well. (until the evening)

Edit Piaf zegt: I saw some Wacken tents at Graspop (last year) and Dong (both last as this year) so I guess they're pretty good. But they aren't big.

See the section "merchandise" at the Wacken site! (


26 Juli 2007
What you really need to bring in my opinion:

army boots, they will be able to stand the mud
not too many clothes, you ll not be able to change them anyway, and it always gets dirty, mud or sand
buy a waterbottle or something, you can brush your teeth, clean your fase and drink water when it is very hot, better still the water in carton boxes
tent, not too big
sleeping bag
something to sleep on
a few pairs of socks, for if it is rainy and your sock get wet (I hate wet sockes)

ehhh, condoms?????? perhaps not if you re on a honeymoon...........
lol made at wacken..........

something against hangovers would be nice:D

good luck



W:O:A Metalhead
13 Mai 2006
Chester, UK
I bought a tent from wacken in 06 and it was fine for me. It's a standard 2 person tent like those you can buy cheap from a supermarket. Enough space for 2 people and a small bag or 2.

Other stuff to take:
As N3m3sis said, don't bother taking clothes. Just take spare underwear, a few pairs of socks and a clean pair of trousers for the return flight. You buy tshirts there. :D

Don't bother with a water bottle. they are readily available in 3L sizes from the shop near the beer garden.

This year all i took was hand luggage: A tooth brush, the clean clothes mentioned above and a hat (which i could've bought there). I dumped it all at the camp site on the last day and filled my bag with tshirts and cds. \m/