Theft at Wacken?

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22 Dez. 2008
San Diego, CA
I was wondering how people keep thier stuff safe. If you buy your beer before the event and just leave your clothes and beer sitting in a tent while your getting drunk and headbangin all day...
Hope ill be getting tickets soon.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I was wondering how people keep thier stuff safe. If you buy your beer before the event and just leave your clothes and beer sitting in a tent while your getting drunk and headbangin all day...
Hope ill be getting tickets soon.

Just close the tent.
Make sure nothing is visible.

If you don't want to keep valuable stuff on your person all day, I'd suggest renting a locker. It'll cost you some €/$, but you've got something then. A safe place for your valuables.


W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
ive never been to Wacken yet but ive been to other big festivals like it and no one has taken anything ever from my tent especially beer when theres plenty beer sold there already. and quite cheap. most people take their money and passports with them at all times. After 1-2 days most tents have dirty clothes and garbage thrown around in it, who would want to go looking through it?


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
ive never been to Wacken yet but ive been to other big festivals like it and no one has taken anything ever from my tent especially beer when theres plenty beer sold there already. and quite cheap. most people take their money and passports with them at all times. After 1-2 days most tents have dirty clothes and garbage thrown around in it, who would want to go looking through it?

Small tip then for Germany only!

In Germany cans have deposit on them (€0.25 per can)
Especially on Sat. young locals may be roaming the camp site looking for garbage bags full of cans, and cash them themselves.

Keep them inside, problem solved.


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
I was wondering how people keep thier stuff safe. If you buy your beer before the event and just leave your clothes and beer sitting in a tent while your getting drunk and headbangin all day...
Hope ill be getting tickets soon.

Normally they don't take anything at least not out of the tents. Only place where they've actually stolen something from me was at campground C. It's different than the others. Go more to a back campground and people will be nice. Just don't let your stuff lie around outside. But tents are normally save from thieves.

Btw. are you Dutch? :D


W:O:A Metalhead
14 Nov. 2007
I kept my Ipod, passport and wallet with me at all times. Stuff in the tent i was worried about i buried with dirty clothes. I did have a chair taking the first night but they left me a empty can of Fosters Lager, LOL.. I took the extra tent stakes and hammered them in , nothing else taking the rest of the fest.


22 Dez. 2008
San Diego, CA
That makes me feel better, I wouldnt leave my money in the tent, mostly worried about my beer. If somebody takes my sleeping stuff thats fine but if my beer ended up gone! That would suck.
Fast replies also awsome forum, thanks.
Im not Dutch Im from USA and will be leaving from SoCal.

Edit: This is the first forum ive seen where the posts are reversed, last post is at the top of the page...wierd
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Nov. 2007
Toronto, Canada
We only had a problem with theft last year. It was the middle of the night I think and we were in the tent when we heard some Canadian guys come (saw the flag I suppose) around the site and when no one came out (ignored them cause it was late and I at least wasn't feeling the greatest so just wanted to sleep...or I think that was the reason, kind of hazy) started talking about taking chairs and the bbq back with them to their camp. We came out and were pretty much like "wtf" and they apologized and left.

Fuck you chair thieves! Get the fuck out of my country you disgraces to Canada! And get the fuck out of my Wackenz while you're at it! :p