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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
All coming up now? Are you going alone or are any other forum people around?

H'fest on my own, but I'll be with a group I met the first time, Dong Open Air with the old forum people and Wacken with Alix and some others.
Forum meeting of course is organised here. But by the "new" generation.
It'll be a solo travel though, except for Wacken. I'll take Alix with me on the Metal Train.

You? Wenn are you back in Germany?


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
H'fest on my own, but I'll be with a group I met the first time, Dong Open Air with the old forum people and Wacken with Alix and some others.
Forum meeting of course is organised here. But by the "new" generation.
It'll be a solo travel though, except for Wacken. I'll take Alix with me on the Metal Train.

You? Wenn are you back in Germany?

Wow, so you're actually going to Wacken? I haven't planned on any festivals yet, things are rather complicated atm


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Wow, so you're actually going to Wacken? I haven't planned on any festivals yet, things are rather complicated atm

I want to see it one move time. And I've always wanted to take the Metal Train. Hobby of .mine. ;)

I know things aren't easy for you, but it takes courage to do. :)
But I'm off to bed. Gute Nacht und süße Träume! ;)
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