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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I just realised I made an appointment for the ophtalmologiste on the same day as Eindhoven Metal Meeting. This sux, but I'm not going to change it anymore. It's difficult already to get one. By consequence, I'll be there later than I expected to be.


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Heh, reading this bit late, but I've been busy!

Still related with your accident where you work ?


I'm more Playoff fan. :) I don't really watch regular season games.

Ooh, that's sad. :D


Good "luck" with it. I can imagine it won't be easy.

Yeah well I don't see how it will change my life and way of living in any way. Expect I can't do just any job.

Any medicine you have to take?

Yeah I will start taking medicine, as soon as all the paper work is done. :o

And so you must be as well being from Finland :) My last name is Paakkonen so if Canada doesn't win you better believe I am cheering on Suomi!!!! Proud to be Finnish Canadian ;)

Ohhh that's so cool! Ever visited Finland? :D


1 März 2014
kashechewan, Onatrio
Heh, reading this bit late, but I've been busy!


Ooh, that's sad. :D

Yeah well I don't see how it will change my life and way of living in any way. Expect I can't do just any job.

Yeah I will start taking medicine, as soon as all the paper work is done. :o

Ohhh that's so cool! Ever visited Finland? :D

Yes 3 times in my life but never as an adult. I was planning to rectify that fact this summer but we chose a different set of countries to see before Wacken. One day I will return. :)


W:O:A Metalhead
I feel sick! LOL to make it all the way only to drop the game... well still only 2 more wins then after that the Habs have done their job for the post season. Like it or not there is no way they beat pitsburgh in 7 games...

Pitts who ? :) Eliminated!! 1-3 comeback for the Rangers!

Rangers-Habs could be a nice duel... We will see tonight. Habs vs Boston game #7! Go Habs Go!!!