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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Because you cannot make any mistakes in them. And formal language.

Sorry for disturbing it. :ugly:

Yea, the mistakes thing is kinda stressful. Although it's more of the finding something I actually wanna apply to part that's really annoying

You didn't, I still have a whole page on my own ^_^ Although I don't mind being interrupted, it's no fun talking to myself


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Yea, the mistakes thing is kinda stressful. Although it's more of the finding something I actually wanna apply to part that's really annoying

You didn't, I still have a whole page on my own ^_^ Although I don't mind being interrupted, it's no fun talking to myself

Same here. It's getting annoying.

I know. One of the reasons I am not so much online anymore.