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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I actually have plans this New Years. Talked to my friend last night (who lives in Tennessee, about four hours away from here) on the phone where we discovered neither of us had work for the next couple days. Jokingly said she should visit, and it's happening. She'll be here in about an hour. :D


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
I actually have plans this New Years. Talked to my friend last night (who lives in Tennessee, about four hours away from here) on the phone where we discovered neither of us had work for the next couple days. Jokingly said she should visit, and it's happening. She'll be here in about an hour. :D

Sounds like fun. We're staying in - it's farking COLD out there and I didn't want to freeze my ass off. All the 'good' NYE parties are too expensive for my boyfriend to want to go to, not to mention that he hates being in crowds anyway so he wouldn't have any fun. We have invited another friend over and were just going to get drunk and watch the live stream of the ball drop in new york ;)

Heavy Metal New Year to everyone!!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I actually have plans this New Years. Talked to my friend last night (who lives in Tennessee, about four hours away from here) on the phone where we discovered neither of us had work for the next couple days. Jokingly said she should visit, and it's happening. She'll be here in about an hour. :D
Should be fun. Enjoy!
Sounds like fun. We're staying in - it's farking COLD out there and I didn't want to freeze my ass off. All the 'good' NYE parties are too expensive for my boyfriend to want to go to, not to mention that he hates being in crowds anyway so he wouldn't have any fun. We have invited another friend over and were just going to get drunk and watch the live stream of the ball drop in new york ;)

Heavy Metal New Year to everyone!!

We're home as well. Nothing special tonight, just the fire works of the city of Charleroi.
And food and alcohol.

Have a great New Year's Eve everyone!