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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
We had a work Christmas party for the administration staff. When there were only 5 of us left, that's when I really started to notice how obnoxious they could get especially under the influence. Why I didn't just freakin' leave I have no idea...I guess I was optimistic about the direction of conversation but even I sunk to their level at times :uff:

The food at the tavern was pretty good though considering :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Damn it I spent some two hours walking around a shop today trying to work out what to get Christmas presents for family/friends I'm seeing next weekend. In the end I settled for hampers for nearly everyone :o Whenever I saw something that I thought maybe the kids might like (aged between 2 and 9), I couldn't help but picture their obnoxious faces when they open it and aren't interested. Also I like to get kids the same sort of thing if I'm seeing them at the same time, because nothing kills Christmas the same as the "hers is better than mine" business.