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W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
yeah.. it was cold.. My 45 min walk to the office was painful for the forehead :ugly: Maybe i will take the bus tonight...

I had my headband on and a scarf ;) I managed with only a little bit of cold on my nose. I really want to avoid taking the bus because that walk to work is sometimes the only exercise I get in a day and I am still actively trying to lose weight ;)


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
just in case you forgot all you dutch lingo. you are known for saying |(something similar to) "ik heb een grote lul".

Of course I'm expecting you to say this at least 10 times an hour at eindhoven metal meeting.

Talking about meetings, when did you have time for a visit again? Before or after you birthday? I didn't know if I was gonna have time because I was thinking about getting a job, but a LOAD of stuff went down, so I didn't...


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I had my headband on and a scarf ;) I managed with only a little bit of cold on my nose. I really want to avoid taking the bus because that walk to work is sometimes the only exercise I get in a day and I am still actively trying to lose weight ;)

I took a train this morning. But.. with 5°C/41°F that's bearable. Just the rain, this filthy thin rain... :(