W:O:A Metalmaster
aw, that's to bad
Yeah. Though I have to go show my ear to the guy today so maybe it's better if it's not stormy then.
aw, that's to bad
Yeah. Though I have to go show my ear to the guy today so maybe it's better if it's not stormy then.
yeah, probably
Else you might actually break more than just your ear
Hah, what would I break then?
Well I don't know if it's over, because now I see some dark clouds. Whatever, I think I'll survive.
in comes the rain
Hmmm, okay
Okay I just came home from the tattoo studio where I was showing my ear to the guy who pierced it. It hurt a bit when he took it away...
The jewel was so small that it had broke some tissue, so there was some blood under my skin (haematoma??) ... I don't know how to explain it really. So if the jewel was bigger, my ear would be just fine now.. Damn it.
Sorry to hear.
Doesn't sound very good
Hopefully next time it'll work out.