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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
what sort of music do you play?

I've been bandless for a few years now, but I'm having my first jam on Wednesday night. I guess this one's more of a traditional style of metal. My last couple of bands were sort of black metal and sort of death metal, and both bands required that I be able to count past 4, and I'm told the same applies to this band. They were a lot of fun to play when I wasn't stressing about not being quick enough or whatever.

Just finished doing about half an hour of drills, starting very slow again because I have no idea what speed I'm up to anymore. Every time I stop doing drills I get slower and slower :o I've spent the last few years just playing whenever just for the fun of it, and it took a hell of a lot of encouragement to get back into doing band stuff, but I'm doing it finally. Thankfully I've known both the guys for 8 or 9 years so hopefully the first few jams won't be so horrible.