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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
hey hey... most of those posts you missed were made by 'muricans, i'm guessing you should be in roughly the same timezone as them, given that Canada is essentially just stacked on top of USA? :D

Even within the US, there are 5(?) different time zones, going from GMT-5 (east coast to -10 (if not already -11!) in Hawaii! (and I'm not talking about DST here!)

See? I can be in CA whereas someone from QC is 3hrs "ahead" of me.


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Sep. 2013
Bedok, Singapore
Even within the US, there are 5(?) different time zones, going from GMT-5 (east coast to -10 (if not already -11!) in Hawaii! (and I'm not talking about DST here!)

See? I can be in CA whereas someone from QC is 3hrs "ahead" of me.

I know, I know. :D
If we leave Hawaii (and Alaska) out of this, I think we're talking barely a couple of hours here :p
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