The (un)Holy Wacken Fore

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W:O:A Metalhead
23 Apr. 2002
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
This "unholy" idea is getting bigger and bigger every day. I didn´t visit the forum for two weeks and now all of you want to be a part of the best performance ever at the W:O:A!!!!!!!!!

That´s great!!!

I think finding a vocalist won´t be so hard. The question is: Who is going to be behind the drums? Who will be the "Guitar-God" of our Community?

Don´t even think about me!!! I can´t even play the flute!!! But I will good enough to stick the tracklist to the boxes if you want!!! he he he he!!

See you brothers!


W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Mai 2002
Leider Schweden
Have you forgotten me?

And why has there be a female singing?

LordWalter: well your idea was a good one, but I remember you saying something like that it wasn't that serious, apparently others follow your idea, ah well the plan anyway..

Why unholy?


W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Mai 2002
Leider Schweden
Me? I am honoured and I would really like to be part of it all

Lordwalter: you told me you can't sing or play anything, too bad
How did the forumband sound really? I missed them :(


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
The forum band were great!!! I mean, the sound wasn't great, they made a few mistakes (they'd never played together before!), but it was very funny! They only played covers from AC/DC, Metallica, Hipocrisy, Black Sabbath...... The wet stage was full with insane german (and austrian) forumlers. I even met Thordis there and she warned me about the running order changes (thanks her I could see Sabbat and Heathen).

If they play next year, I won't miss it!! (and you all shouldn't miss it!!)