The slapping thread as requested by Sodomy And Lust

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W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Dez. 2001
Helltown Ahaus
*slaps gnoff a second time without a reason* :D

*slaps Supercharger just for hello twin-brother* ;)

*slaps mugabe `cause he has forgotten the reason for what he wants to slap me* ;) :D

*slaps Ham_gods for hello*
*slaps Sodomy for hello too*

*slaps dotti for slapping the moon*

*slaps Warthog for hello (and ever without a d)* :D

*slaps Mikey-boy for the way he is*sigh* :D
*slaps Mikey-boy to thank for last night*sigh* :)
*slaps Mikey-boy `cause he isn`t here when Steff is* :p
*slaps Mikey-boy for all the lovely words* :D :)