The SHIZZO vs. ROSK fightingthread

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W:O:A Metalhead
12 Sep. 2002
I don't mean that... :D perhaps everyone is Shizzo... a bit. Who was Shizzo before he turned to Shizzo? Perhaps he was a NORMAL person... but the Shizzo inside started to take over him... and now he's completely Shizzo. ;) :p


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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There is no such a think like schizophrenia.My friends called that more exactly,that I have my own world (not really I am pretty realistic person)But I am making new words and put things into new relations so people doesn't understand them so they call me crazy.They can feel my diference even more cause I am a girl and I speak all the time dirty language....So that's all about this kind of normality.I have just huge fantasy(as all "crazy" people) and quick thinking :D:D:D