W:O:A Metalhead
gnoff schrieb:*slaaps summer for wanting to be something she already is*
You know, you are both nice and evil, a nice combination
aah!! and again......
*slaps SweetSwede for being sweet! *
gnoff schrieb:*slaaps summer for wanting to be something she already is*
You know, you are both nice and evil, a nice combination
Winterslaap schrieb:aah!! and again......
*slaps SweetSwede for being sweet! *
lars schrieb:*slaps himself for being in this threat*
Winterslaap schrieb:*slaps Lars for the same reason!*
lars schrieb:*slaps himself for being in this threat*
gnoff schrieb:*slaaps summer for going to bed before me, without me*
gnoff schrieb:*slaaps summer for planning visiting Sweden, but not me*
Winterslaap schrieb:*slaps back cause he is not living near the place i will be visiting*
gnoff schrieb:*slaaps summer for usin a bad excuse*
Winterslaap schrieb:hahaha
*slaps gnoff for being an EvilSweetZweed*