W:O:A Metalmaster
Winterslaap schrieb:*slaps back cause i did not feel like doing that!*
*slaps winter for not feeling*
Winterslaap schrieb:*slaps back cause i did not feel like doing that!*
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:*slaps gnoffy for fun*
gnoff schrieb:*slaps wålfi for not being swedish*
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:*slaps gnoffy and wonders why he thinks i should be swedish!*
gnoff schrieb:*slaps winter for not feeling*
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:*slaps winter and starts talking funny again*
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:*slaps winter cos she likes to slap me*
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:*slaps winter and asks even in real life*