W:O:A Metalmaster
Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
Soon 17.000![]()
We must crown you the king of spamming!

Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
Soon 17.000![]()
He's a madman...Originally posted by Carpathian_Wolf
We must crown you the king of spamming!![]()
Originally posted by Rock'n'Roll
He's a madman...![]()
The wolfking...Originally posted by gnoff
Who is, the king or the wolf??
Originally posted by Fallen_Knight
Sounds like gnoff didn't have anything to do... gnoff: when are you moving?
Start dating some more girls...Originally posted by gnoff
I neverhave anything to do, I never leave my apartment!
Or, hmm, yes I do, what the hell...
Anyways, I'm moving on wednesday of next week if all go as planned, start work the monday after.
Originally posted by Rock'n'Roll
Start dating some more girls...![]()
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
Here we go!
1-Supercharger 2557
2-xpet & Lucretia 1956
3-Sodomy&Lust 1635
4-Shizzokrause 1433
5-gnoff 1252
6-Fallen_Knight 1013
7-Rosk 995
8-^witchfinder^ 726
9-Iscariot 725
10-Lord Horb 679
11-Warthog 629
12-Carpathian_Wolf 609
13-Lvsitanno 607
14-Thordis V 478
15-Suwarin 338
16-Wackianne 329
17-putridtorture 317
18-Brat 281
19-Hammered_Gods 267
20-LooseCannon 262
21-Evenfiel 251
22-monochrom 246
23-mugabe 243
24-holocaust 237
25-Maraska 221
26-Kroppus 212
27-Zombi 205
28-Svartsinn 196
29-VimFuego 184
30-argon factor 183
31-aegir 167
32-Karsten 165
Morgenurin and flo would probably be the next ones, but I'm too tired right now to go on with that list.....
Not many girls, by the way![]()
Originally posted by gnoff
Once more, with numbers this time![]()
22-codo der 3. 498