The German cannibal thread

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W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
I´m thinking of, how humans must be killed for getting a good taste, the most animals taste better if they die without pain, because the adrenalin makes their meat untasty, but some animals like dogs, cats and some more have to die in pain, because their adrenalin first makes their meat tasty.....

I´ll try to figure it out :D:D:D:D

Eat your neibours first.
Originally posted by berserkur
so I hear he is being set loose on a technicality
there is no clause about cannibalism in german law and the victim freewillingly let Armin eat him as seen on his tape...

almost correct, cannibalism isn´t a crime, that´s true but it´s forbidden here to "help" someone die, you can get up to 5 years for that and they also try to get him for disturbing the peace of the dead, that both is their second choice, they´re trying to get him for murdering, but it seems like they will get him for the other one, because his victim wanted to die...


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
almost correct, cannibalism isn´t a crime, that´s true but it´s forbidden here to "help" someone die, you can get up to 5 years for that and they also try to get him for disturbing the peace of the dead, that both is their second choice, they´re trying to get him for murdering, but it seems like they will get him for the other one, because his victim wanted to die...

I would legalize murder :D:D:D:DYou know without wars and murders the planet will be soon overpopulated and then will people star killing each other and eat each other 4 real :D:D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
I´m thinking of, how humans must be killed for getting a good taste, the most animals taste better if they die without pain, because the adrenalin makes their meat untasty, but some animals like dogs, cats and some more have to die in pain, because their adrenalin first makes their meat tasty.....

I´ll try to figure it out :D:D:D:D

I don't know, I've been told that the meat of meat-eating animals is rather gamey...stuff like wild bear and whale, you know? That's why we humans tend to only eat plant-eating animals.

If this is true, maybe cannibals would be well advised to eat vegetarians only.

Maybe my old sig is more appropriate. :D
Originally posted by Warthog
I don't know, I've been told that the meat of meat-eating animals is rather gamey...stuff like wild bear and whale, you know? That's why we humans tend to only eat plant-eating animals.

If this is true, maybe cannibals would be well advised to eat vegetarians only.

Maybe my old sig is more appropriate. :D

That might be the reason why this animals have do die in pain..... OK, that with the vegetarians must be checked out in my next tries :D:D:D:D:D