The 25 greatest spammers of the English Forum

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W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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My friends are allways like oh shit I feel bad cause I have no girlfriend or boyfriend.I never understood that.I am very independent person and I should live my whole life alone(just going out with my friends or to the parties or concerts).I don't like to hear like somebody was like He couldn't go to the festival cause his "old" won't let him go cause he has child.When I hear that then I am like why does anybody even touch freedom of somebody else?I have no reason to say somebody what he have to do,where he have to be or what he have to say.Freedom above everything,do the fuck people what you want and if somebody will tell you that you can't do what you want,then tell him to go to hell and never go in the front of my eyes again.