i have reason, honestly..
it is 90% here
and my neighbour broke into our garden, broke down the fence
always hammering on the door to fetch their football
even tried to walk into my house to get it himself...
smashed another neighbours window for no reason... he was just washing his car
ther are other incidents, which i wont bore you.
crap, jerks...
it matters not though, that still doesn't make it okay to hate black people.
i have my beliefs, which have been in with me for a very long time
you have your beliefs - you are probably better at forgiving people
maybe its a bit too early to consider me a racist before hearing the reasons...
well sure, you have the right to think whatever you want.
but whatever reasons there are, it doesn't make it not racist.
it doesn't matter if you were murdered by a gang of black people, that doesn't mean there aren't plenty of others that are no different than the rest of us.