Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:Well plane to WOA is now booked for us both
MetalCommando schrieb:
Zombi schrieb:really? I though you were both planning on travelling using pure METAL POWER!!!! AAARRRGGHh!!!
Zombi schrieb:really? I though you were both planning on travelling using pure METAL POWER!!!! AAARRRGGHh!!!
Zombi schrieb:I can't wait to see you both at wacken and watch you communicate by making an endless plerotha of funny faces.
Zombi schrieb:I can't wait to see you both at wacken and watch you communicate by making an endless plerotha of funny faces.
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:Sarcastic fucker, Who says you will see at all with the amount of booze you consume normally
MetalCommando schrieb:plethora btw