Tell the forum if you are ready to go to WOA

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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003

i have a few gigs to go to before wacken...just gotta save up some money...

then im ready :D:D:D


W:O:A Metalhead
17 Juni 2003
Mpls. MN USA
I'm sooooo ready

I'm ready, I've been counting down since last year. I even have an extra ticket (so far no one else I know can go) Got my plane tix, a cooler w/ wheels (I like my beer cold) and a tent, a little bit of cash, a poncho, a lighter some tp a blanket and a flashlight. Yup, I'm ready!! I can't wait!! Rain or shine. I don't need to reserve a camp site do I? I saw the forum camp sign up but thats just for you guys right? It would be cool to kinda have someone there I know or know speaks english, but I'm not too worried about it. I'll arrive Thursday afternoon so I'm hoping to nab a spot for my self any ol place possible, I'm not picky. WACKEN OR DEATH!


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Re: I'm sooooo ready

Originally posted by LXE
I'm ready, I've been counting down since last year. I even have an extra ticket (so far no one else I know can go) Got my plane tix, a cooler w/ wheels (I like my beer cold) and a tent, a little bit of cash, a poncho, a lighter some tp a blanket and a flashlight. Yup, I'm ready!! I can't wait!! Rain or shine. I don't need to reserve a camp site do I? I saw the forum camp sign up but thats just for you guys right? It would be cool to kinda have someone there I know or know speaks english, but I'm not too worried about it. I'll arrive Thursday afternoon so I'm hoping to nab a spot for my self any ol place possible, I'm not picky. WACKEN OR DEATH!

Maybe you can come in the forum camp too :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
they says they send around 14days before....what if they dont? what if they forget? what if!!! what IF!!!! WHAT IF!! :D:D:D:p

hey mulkybarkid ;):D