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W:O:A Metalhead
26 März 2003
Brisbane, Australia
Originally posted by Goth_Girl
I am hoping to visit Switzerland and Vienna in our months trip. We have a car so maybe able to see quite a lot.
Salzburg fest sounds good if u have any details let me know please.

well I only heard about it last night, my friend in Tsjuder is playing with a bunch of other norweigen blackmetal bands

I think he said its on August 15

ive got a friend of the family in Salzburg so ill stay with him :)


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Apr. 2003
Sydney Australia
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Sec
well I only heard about it last night, my friend in Tsjuder is playing with a bunch of other norweigen blackmetal bands

I think he said its on August 15

ive got a friend of the family in Salzburg so ill stay with him :)
Oh at least we have 30 days to do the research and find out whats coming up, thinkin of going to Party San, but others have said 2 festivals may be enough??


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
I doubt it.
1. I hate going out on Friday nights (even moreso during winter)
2. Don't really like the music although Daysend are support (which reminds me, still need to get the photos developed from Alchemist)...