teenagers at Wacken

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W:O:A Metalmaster
20 März 2004
Website besuchen
Thor's beard! It may not be heavy metal, but some of you guys should really get some cold showers! ;)

And if you want to hook up with a chick on a metal festival: Get as drunk as you can, put on your kilt and try to spot single girls who talk to friends of friends or something like that! Once you joined the chat, the topic of your undergarment is likely to appear, and if not you can still try to separate the prey from the flock by normal conversational methods... My last two relationships started off something like that... ;)

Oh, and when you hook up with a 16 year old girl, make sure she enjoys it! Because theoretically, adults above 21 having intercourse with minors below 18 MAY be accused by the minor or her parents of "seducing minors". As I understand it, no court has condemned anyone in the last decade if the "minor" is 16 or older, but I am not a lawyer and as far as I remember, the law should still be in place...

Black Napalm

23 Juli 2007
Riga, Latvia
Erm.. Wouldn't you just pass out if you "get as drunk as you can" ? I mean, if you are still standing, you are obviously not as drunk as you can be :D
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violent jmann

9 Sep. 2006
Nowhere to go
well they don't check for id when your making your way onto site, also the only time your passport is wanted is if you've done bad and the cops need to have a word with you. So I am sure you'll be fine. If they do start kicking under 18's out of the fetival area at that time then there are in my mind cunts, and will find a lot of people won't go the following year, so I don't think they will actually risk it.