Suitcase or Rucksack?

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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
You see more than I do ;)

but you take a tent horizontally instead of vertically :p

I only had a problem with those narrow doors in dutch "dubbeldekkers"

I always use a backpack. If you pack it correctly, you can distribute the weight and it doesnt feel as heavy as it is.
Though distributing the weight on saturdaynight/sunday morning after a festival can be quite a hassle.

And I bruised my ribs last year at wacken, and it is not nice to have to travel 400km with a backpack and bruised ribs, I can assure you


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
but you take a tent horizontally instead of vertically :p

I only had a problem with those narrow doors in dutch "dubbeldekkers"

I always use a backpack. If you pack it correctly, you can distribute the weight and it doesnt feel as heavy as it is.
Though distributing the weight on saturdaynight/sunday morning after a festival can be quite a hassle.

And I bruised my ribs last year at wacken, and it is not nice to have to travel 400km with a backpack and bruised ribs, I can assure you

The travel is easier this year. Only thing, safety beld (and I enforce it)