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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
i cant believe i passed most of my modules!!
i cant believe i got a D for Artificial Intelligence I NEVER went to that lecture! ..or i was asleep
i cant believe i got a C for Object Orientated Programming - i did my 12 wk assignment in 12hrs
i cant believe i got a C for computer games programming..i failed the first assignment
i cant believe i got a G in the 2D computer graphics
i cant believe im having 4 chocolate eclairs!


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 März 2006
Thordis V. schrieb:
still no news... I give up!

well but I've heard our system will be changed in October to bachelor/master
i'm in a bachelor/masters school.... I haven't seen anything that is so badly orgenized. But that's just my school

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
Nemesiss schrieb:
i'm in a bachelor/masters school.... I haven't seen anything that is so badly orgenized. But that's just my school

I pay money and I don't get even the courses I need every term...

we're having now a master/doctor system. I need at least 8 terms for master. If I change to the new system, I'll have at least 6 for bachelor and 4 for master, so one year more... but I'll see if can stay in the old system. ;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 März 2006
Thordis V. schrieb:
I pay money and I don't get even the courses I need every term...

we're having now a master/doctor system. I need at least 8 terms for master. If I change to the new system, I'll have at least 6 for bachelor and 4 for master, so one year more... but I'll see if can stay in the old system. ;)
If it works out better for you, stay in de the old system...