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21 Feb. 2002
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This was my first time at Wacken and it was amazing!!! I only had a couple of complaints. 1.There was no water for sale in the concert arena and the "drinking water" was foul 2.they should have put hay down in the arena entrance as well as in the arena itself 3.they didn't have enough staff manning the toilets on the friday night and after 4.the band time changes should have been put up on a big screen in the arena But you have to expect problems at big festivals, i did not find it overcrowded but as it was first time i don't know what its like with less people. Overall wacken was the best week of my life!!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
I think all of those complaints from Rock Hard are valid, but none of them stopped me from having a fantastic time. I think you can NEVER have clean toilets or port-a-potties at festivals, so in general, I try to avoid them (read: I ate very little, so I was able to go without shitting until I got home...not for everybody, but it worked :D).

Though if they're going to try and resurrect Dynamo, I say more power to 'em! It's good to have that competition among festivals (and their organizers), because then the fans will win out. For instance, the "big" metalfests here in the US used to be a monopoly run by one asshole (Jack Koshick), so needless to say, they were disorganized pieces of crap! Only with the advent of better run, smaller festivals like Progpower in Atlanta and the Massachusetts Metalfest have things gotten any better.


12 Aug. 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
How I survived the pits of Wacken :)

Warthog, I think you'll be surprised how many people try that strategy. Some of my tips for surviving Wacken

1) Drink NO alcohol at all (sacrilege to some, I know) so you spend far less time needing to piss. You also don't lose the fluid. Totally avoid coffee as well (that REALLY hurts me, because I usually drink a few litres of strong coffee a day - I'm a programmer, hehe).

2) eat very little, and make sure your food has very low fibre. I lived on high-sugar stuff like candy bars and cola. Meat is also very good. German bratwurst is the best!! I love german sausages at Wacken almost as much as I love the music. :)

3) Take water with you! Leave it in your tent. Try to drink as much water every night before you sleep, and the next morning. If you start getting a headache for no reason, you're probably dehydrating. Once the headache sets in, there's no cure. You have to drink lots and sleep it off. I learned this the hard way in 2001 when I totally misjudged my water intake and ended up passing out early in the day. I missed most of Wacken 2001 night 1 (Dimmu Borgir, the haunted, Overkill, Helloween etc etc). I missed some GREAT bands, and I'll never make that mistake again.

People shouldn't underestimate how gruelling a festival like this can be. I've spent most of my life in very dry, hot places (South Africa and middle east) so I have a bit more respect for how badly the sun and dehydration can mess you up.

Have fun!
12 März 2002
Website besuchen
I travelled 27 hours by plane from Australia just to get to Wacken!I made the decision to spend a shitload of money and time to experience Wacken for the first time,mainly due to the fact that we are lucky to get maybe 3 overseas per year tour Australia.I couldn't be happier with Wacken this year.Maybe because i don't know any different because i've never experienced anything like it,but mud,crowds,food/drink prices etc. were a small price to pay for the overall experience.One thing i noticed was the fact that many of the Europeans i met seemed jaded about the oppurtunity to see the best bands in the world.In some small way I am thankful the lack of bands touring Australia has kept metalheads here absolutely rabid when the oppurtunity to see a overseas band comes up because the Aussies i spoke to were fucking stoked just to be there!So be happy with the fact that Europe and almost every other country is spoiled when it comes to festivals! 666 !


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA

Shit, I thought a SEVEN hour plane ride was long...but when I saw that there were Aussies there (saw the flag there, sorry I didn't get a chance to chat with any of you guys), I realized my trip was NOTHING! 27 hrs?!?! You guys are fuckin' diehards!

But I'll agree that any minor nuisances, like rain, bad toilets, mud (or "SHLIME!" as I heard one German screaming out), big crowds, etc. didn't detract from the overall experience at all. It's a still a metal festival the likes of which I've never seen, and as close to a fucking religious experience as I'll ever have. If nothing else, mud/crowds/rain are an essential part of the festival experience, and you either love it or hate it. :D


I know I definitely followed your tip about least on the second day...I bought two liter-bottles of water from the BP station in Wacken, and drank both, lol. The first day I survived on that crap from the fountains. But I was very careful about staying hydrated. I wasn't about to miss a festival I'd come thousands of miles to see.

Good idea about the coffee and alcohol're right, it does sound like sacrilege, but I think the drinking is best saved for when you go back to the campsite anyway, haha.

And if I had known the fiber made a difference, I would've eaten more bratwurst...that stuff was DAMN good!


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Mai 2002
Hey guys, its disapointing to read what you're writing. Alcohol is a must metal concert! :) :D
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