Statement about: Varg at the W:O:A

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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Aug. 2008
A friend is not him acting upon it. I have a friend I used to be close with who was in jail for assaulting a guy and burnt a church. I'm nothing like the dude. The vocalist likes music of a genre that is intolerant, but if you like any music anti-Christian, so do you. I'm not going to hold a guy's music choices against his band no more than his political choice. I have a friend who likes some NSBM and he is no way associated with the political movement behind it, in fact, he's entirely against it but likes the sound of the music for whatever reason, in the end its up to him, not us. Varg is not a politically-motivated band. Besides, this whole thing was going on three years ago. A lot can change in that period of time. I know this one all too well. I am really not the same person I was in 2007.

Like I stated before, its probably cultural differences. In a way to me "so and so wants to organize a n.s festival" has the same effect to me as my cousins telling on each other over saying "fuck," no offense. We see such group affiliations, black power, white power, and fucked up people who hate humanity, as being no more different than being a member of an undesirable fucked up political group that never in a billion years would win a majority again as long as people aren't stupid enough to vote for them. If you trust people won't ever go for these people they will never gain power.


If you're right about the Varg vocalist wanting to organize a NSBM festival, I'd like to see a more reliable source than "I heard that/I was told...". If that's true, it makes a bit more sense, but I'm not assuming anything as the controversy was about the band shirt and nothing else.

Even if their singer does actually support those beliefs... so what? He's not hurting anyone, and neither are any Nazis that do happen to go to Wacken. I'm personally more worried about Maiden and Slayer fans hurting me than Nazis. Obviously the organizers should take appropriate action against anyone who does go around Wacken hurting people or trying to promote their beliefs, but as far as I know that hasn't been a problem in the past, and it won't be this year either. I'm sure there are at least some Nazis at Wacken like any other fest or event, but unless they actually do anything, who cares?

But either way, the fact is, Varg isn't NSBM. They're not Nazis. They don't promote Nazism in any of their songs or shows. And that, as the Wacken organizers themselves agree, is not enough to prevent them from playing. Don't know why you can't just accept the decision. If you don't like it, go to another festival.

wise words from both statements.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
sorry i didnt expain it very well my english is not that good: i was trying to say that varg vocalist told his friend that he likes n.s metal and he want to make a festival only with n.s bands

bah my english is really rusty, i should check all the english grammar again..

Yeah, I know what you meant. Your English is better than you think ;).

Just, to me, liking n.s and wanting to host a festival is not a big deal to me. Those happen all the time here and we never hear about them because there's nothing that ever comes out of them. It doesn't affect the guy's music, he keeps his music and political beliefs separate. And, he apologized for it and clarified he doesn't believe such things. If that's not enough to allow him to play for you I don't know what is.

I am glad for the fact we can debate this topic as adults without any insults by the way. It's very rare to find people mature enough with this topic who doesn't attack the other.
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I am glad for the fact we can debate this topic as adults without any insults by the way. It's very rare to find people mature enough with this topic who doesn't attack the other.

Yeah.. that is a good point... I'm agree with that.

Despite the WOA Statement about Varg
despite the video statement from Varg

I'm Sorry, I don't believe in them....

But is not problem to me, when Varg is playing, i'm going to other stage to see other band or i'm going to the biergarten to drink a delicious Franziskaner :D
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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
Yeah.. that is a good point... I'm agree with that.

Despite the WOA Statement about Varg
despite the video statement from Varg

I'm Sorry, I don't believe in them....

But is not problem to me, when Varg is playing, i'm going to other stage to see other band or i'm going to the biergarten to drink a delicious Franziskaner :D

Which is completely up to you to do so. Personally, I'll be likely seeing them at both of the festivals they're going to. I like their music, though if they suck live I might just join you.


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Sep. 2006
I'm certainly gonna see them. Their music is good, and I don't believe they are that extreme with their ideas..

I always have the feeling that Germans overreact to everything that's a little bit right-winged. I think people are free to think what they want. Ofcourse to a certain point, but Varg really doesn't cross that point.

I mean, fuck man, he was just wearing a shirt. Isn't it for him to decide which bands he listens to and which shirts he buys? It might say something about him as an individual, but not about the whole band.

I want to say, stop complaining and nagging, go see them if you like the music, and stay away from that stage if you don't ;)

With respect;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
20 Apr. 2007
The Azores - Portugal
Yeah, I know what you meant. Your English is better than you think ;).

thanks :p

Just, to me, liking n.s and wanting to host a festival is not a big deal to me. Those happen all the time here and we never hear about them because there's nothing that ever comes out of them. It doesn't affect the guy's music, he keeps his music and political beliefs separate. And, he apologized for it and clarified he doesn't believe such things. If that's not enough to allow him to play for you I don't know what is.

thats your opinion and i respect it, but you know, i am not tolerante when it comes to any sort for descrimination. i mean thats not what metal stands for IMO.

I am glad for the fact we can debate this topic as adults without any insults by the way

So do I, in fact i am very surprised, you know normally people cant argue on any topic (at least here), and they simple start to "attack" you and that reveals they have no culture of any sort.
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