My Selene schrieb:
Oh yes it is. Im about 190cm and 7X kg, and if youre 165 and 50kg it can be tough for her when for example Kreator plays. I mean when they played here, 700 people watched the concert and I would be suprised if less than 5000 people see them at Wacken.
Why cant Wacken Open Air be set earlier? I dont want the summer to end just for woa *goddammit*
Oh I know what it's like when you're about that size. I remember that weird Children of Bodom gig in 2002. That was tough.
I was stuck in the middle of quite a wild crowd. But you know, you don't have to go directly to the stage. If you keep a bit further away from it you've got the same sound, see everything even better (and the screen between the main stages) and it's much safer and much more relaxed.
Kreator? 5000? Naaaah........I'd guess at least 15000. (Can't remember which other band is playing at the same time.)
Hmm...early August isn't the end of summer for me, actually.