Originally posted by Zarborg
Yeah. Why not ? Look at Slayer, sure they change their sound a little and their last album was not very good. But they still made thrash metal. What I reproach to Metallica is that they don't have integrity; they made the style of ''metal'' (I will be dead when I will recognize new metal like a real style of metal, for me it's hard rock) that will the more benefit in term of money. Anyway, I propose that they change their name for : Poppica. Or something with ''pop'' (for pop music D'oh!) in the name. But they remaind the right to exist like Britney Spears and Christina Aiguilera (not sure of the name)...
Panthera is a good band ? I never hear them....
easy there "Panthera" lost little soul
i agress metallica are shit...but many not as shit as pop..but shit
slayer last was OK....not the best...its better than the record before (diabolus in musica)...
can anyone see metallica EVER coming to wacken???????
(i havent got a fucking clue if they have or not)
in an interview..kerry said theyre were the only guys still do the thrash, cos hes doesnt know...its will take him all damn day
...(i have a fairly good slayer memory
but the new-er thrash is cool