Song Titles Game

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Bob Dylan - It's All Over Now Baby Blue
Wrong game. It should've started with the last letter of the title. (in this case, either Edie, so an E (or in this case, a Y (Baby) would've been ok)

I'll continue though.
Heidevolk - En we stappen stevig door

Edit Piaf zegt, it happens to be correct for BOTH titles! So...
And that other game is in the GERMAN part, if I'm correct.


W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Okt. 2014
Staffordshire, England
Wrong game. It should've started with the last letter of the title. (in this case, either Edie, so an E (or in this case, a Y (Baby) would've been ok)

I'll continue though.
Heidevolk - En we stappen stevig door

Edit Piaf zegt, it happens to be correct for BOTH titles! So...
And that other game is in the GERMAN part, if I'm correct.

Okay I'm sorry. I am always making so many mistakes :D
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Reaktionen: Strawman und Quark


W:O:A Metalgod
21 März 2013
Kreis Ostholstein
Wrong game. It should've started with the last letter of the title. (in this case, either Edie, so an E (or in this case, a Y (Baby) would've been ok)

I'll continue though.
Heidevolk - En we stappen stevig door

Edit Piaf zegt, it happens to be correct for BOTH titles! So...
And that other game is in the GERMAN part, if I'm correct.
Helix - Running wild in the 21st century