Scorpions - Robot man
Tankard - Notorious Scum
Scorpions - Robot man
Slayer - Mandatory SuicideTankard - Notorious Scum
Tank - Echoes of a distant battleSlayer - Mandatory Suicide
Tank - Echoes of a distant battle
Blind Guardian - MajestyBattleroar - Egyptian Doom
Blind Guardian - Majesty
Status Quo - RainHeavy Load - You've Got the Power
Status Quo - Rain
Anvil - MothraAmon Amarth - North Sea Storm
Suicidal Tendencies - No name, no wordsGrave Digger - Avalon
Metallica - Spit out the BoneSuicidal Tendencies - No name, no words
AC/DC - Emission controlMetallica - Spit out the Bone
As I lay dying - Losing SightAC/DC - Emission control
Night Laser - Trouble in the neighbourhoodAs I lay dying - Losing Sight