Some newbie questions please...

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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by Kate McGee
By the way, you ARE allowed to take "Tetrapacks" to the festival (!) area. Up to 1,5 litres, I think. As long as there's no alcohol in there. But juice or problem. :) At least last year!

You could?!?!? Did anyone do it? I didn't see any? Pity they leak tho :(

Originally posted by wann
Can anyone tell me what 'Nachnahme' means?
Vorname is your first name.
Nachname is your last name.

:D my German lessons are paying off :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
Originally posted by Brat
You could?!?!? Did anyone do it? I didn't see any? Pity they leak tho :(

well, I´m not sure about those big Tetra Paks, but I had small 0,2 l Tetra Paks with juice with me and thats was no problem :)
And within the last year there have been more and more Tetra Paks with screw caps on them, so not always leaking anymore :)

Originally posted by Brat

Vorname is your first name.
Nachname is your last name.

thats true - but anyway its a fatal error, cos "Nachnahme" (with two h :D ) means cash on delivery like Veterano said ;)
name means name, and nahme is related to nehmen = to take


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Aug. 2003
eala frya fresena -HH-
Website besuchen
i don't know anybody who was checked 'cause of alcohol...but be careful with dope!! and if you take that stuff with you never take my best friend with you:
custom control (is that right in english??) a few years ago...a friend of her had al lot of dope hidden in the bus...and my best friend was damn drunken "i want the dogs!! where are the dogs?? please!!"
they were lucky 'cause a female dog was inside the bus some days before and the male dog which was sniffing around was more interested in the carpet ;)

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Originally posted by Brat
You could?!?!? Did anyone do it? I didn't see any? Pity they leak tho :(
I took a large 1 or 1,5 litres pack with me every day. Showed it to the security and they let me in.
I think I read about that only some days before the festival, that the orgas had allowed tetrapacks.
We had some very good fruit-flavoured mineral water. Verrrrrry refreshing :) gonna take the same stuff with me again next time - only MORE of it!


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Some newbie questions please...

Originally posted by Warthog
Why... why do I suddenly feel like I'm looking at forum archives from last year?

Because Tetrapaks are still alive and still a menace to the planet!!! They never sleep. They are going to destroy us all! Hate them, mistrust them, mutilate them and we will survive!