Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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argon factor

W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Juni 2002
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Originally posted by Mosherqueen
No, he's gonna be a TU Braunschweig student in October! :D
With his personal me(n)tal coach for a good start in here... ;)

Poor Sodomy . . . Braunschweig is so small and boring :( But it's just 2 hours to Berlin (in case you go by ICE). And I trust that you are a great coach ;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Originally posted by argon factor
Does that mean that you don't come to Berlin after all!?! :eek:

I really wanted to go to Berlin, but the bastards from that university wanted me to have a diploma on german skills. The same happenned in Hamburg and Aachen, which were my next choices. So I finally decided to apply for Braunschweig, because:

1- It's cheaper than Darmstadt
2- There are many interesting subjects in the TU-BS
3- It's not too far from Berlin (a must visit!! :))
4- It's not too far from Hamburg (another must visit!)
5- There are many forumlers from Braunschweig
6- I really want to stay far from my family during (at least) 11 months, I don't really mind where to stay since it's far from MAdrid

argon factor

W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Juni 2002
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I see . . . well, it's still better that staying home, I assume. But be warned: Braunschweig is _really_ small, I spent a week there once and there was nothing to do but drink :) But that good in case you want to concentrate on your studies.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Originally posted by argon factor
I see . . . well, it's still better that staying home, I assume. But be warned: Braunschweig is _really_ small, I spent a week there once and there was nothing to do but drink :) But that good in case you want to concentrate on your studies.
Well, during the last 22 years I've been living in a town with 150,000 inhabitants, and Braunschweig is a bit bigger :):)

And about my studies, I'll need double concentration, because the language will be an added handicap...... (I could have chosen Stuttgart, where the lessons are in English, but I preferred to learn german)

argon factor

W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Juni 2002
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Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
Well, during the last 22 years I've been living in a town with 150,000 inhabitants, and Braunschweig is a bit bigger :):)

And about my studies, I'll need double concentration, because the language will be an added handicap...... (I could have chosen Stuttgart, where the lessons are in English, but I preferred to learn german)

Good decision . . . Stuttgart seriously sucks & they speak a terrible dialect there . . .


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
I really wanted to go to Berlin, but the bastards from that university wanted me to have a diploma on german skills. The same happenned in Hamburg and Aachen, which were my next choices. So I finally decided to apply for Braunschweig, because:

1- It's cheaper than Darmstadt
2- There are many interesting subjects in the TU-BS
3- It's not too far from Berlin (a must visit!! :))
4- It's not too far from Hamburg (another must visit!)
5- There are many forumlers from Braunschweig
6- I really want to stay far from my family during (at least) 11 months, I don't really mind where to stay since it's far from MAdrid

Got a spare room in yer flat? Perhaps an english dog may join you ;)