Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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W:O:A Metalhead
9 Jan. 2002
Apeldoorn- Netherlands
I want to have my birthday too every day and have free beer at my uni!:D

@ mosherqueen

they say we have the biggest market of the country... Well, that might be... but i'm raised with it so for me all that is not that special anymore.

Where did you buy your coat?:)
Originally posted by Iscariot
I want to have my birthday too every day and have free beer at my uni!:D

@ mosherqueen

they say we have the biggest market of the country... Well, that might be... but i'm raised with it so for me all that is not that special anymore.

Where did you buy your coat?:)

The same for me with my home town Hameln... People from Japan are crazy about the Pied Piper and all that stuff, but living there is quite boring... :D

My coat? Don't know... think it was a lady's clothes store... don't really remember the name... maybe in that shopping mall?! :)

We don't even got beer at our uni... not even on birthdays... :D