Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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Originally posted by Brat
LOL No. I will be VERY visible. Just look for my naughty tshirts ;)

I think Fallen-Knight is going to be our invisible one!

I spoke to him this weekend and he has been having trouble posting here.
I think I will recognice that T-shirt...:D:D:D
I haven't seen him lately, maybe he better defragment his computer...:D:D


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
lol my tshirt is black though with white writing

it's something to do with this board-he keeps getting error messages while he's trying to post. I think he was going to contact the administrator, but I don't know what has happened since.
Originally posted by Brat
lol my tshirt is black though with white writing

it's something to do with this board-he keeps getting error messages while he's trying to post. I think he was going to contact the administrator, but I don't know what has happened since.
New T-shirt...:p:D:D:D

Maybe he has tried to change something in the edit options, I had some problems for a short period, but I fixed it myself...:)