Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Originally posted by argon factor
Oh, nobody wants you to wish yourself a Happy Birthday. But you could post some thanks from time to time!
Ok, ok...... sorry for being such an ungrateful bastard...... :(

THX!!! I'll invite to a beer to everybody with more than, let's say, 50 posts in this thread :D:D (if the metaltix bastards send me the ticket I ordered in October)

argon factor

W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Juni 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
Ok, ok...... sorry for being such an ungrateful bastard...... :(

THX!!! I'll invite to a beer to everybody with more than, let's say, 50 posts in this thread :D:D (if the metaltix bastards send me the ticket I ordered in October)

I guess this includes me :D:D *happilyjumpsthroughthethread*